
July 2024 news



End of term Fun July 2024

Dear Parents

Hello, I can’t believe that the end of the term is zooming up. We really aren’t ready to say goodbye, however, we have to, so the following information is how we plan to enjoy our last 2 weeks of term J

Week commencing 8th July


Monday 8th

Our trip to Foundry Wood – then a picnic and a play in Victoria Park.

Meet at 9.45 at Foundry Wood – then we will walk back to Little Stars at about 2.30 to arrive at 3 pm, or if you are staying with your child you can leave when you want but please tell Sara Rouse or Kat Watson that you are going – so we don’t think we have lost you 😊

Bring a picnic blanket, picnic and appropriate clothing.

Rest of the week – Little Stars does Glastonbury 😊

We plan to have a stage, lights, music, tents- tie dye the white t shirts you provided, and throughout the week and a half – make bracelets, tattoos, hair braids and hair gel, face painting, crafts and games, bubble fun and lots, lots more.

We will do PE on Thursday – to include festival type dancing and movement and even a tug of war !!!

Week commencing 15th July – our last week

Monday and Tuesday are normal days – with lots of play with the activities that the children love the most, and more festival fun – including an indoor disco with glow sticks.

Wednesday 17th July The Big Festival Party Day

Party morning for all children. This is the last day of term for children who are coming back to us in September. We will have Festival fun and activities – wear our tie dye t shirts, bracelets, hair braids, face painting, tattoos and so much more …….


All children are expected to stay for lunch until 1.15pm – (Children who do not normally attend on a Wednesday are encouraged to come)

Do not bring a lunch box that day as we will give them chips in a cone, and fish fingers and then have an ice cream factory….  which we hope to eat outside depending on the weather.

Please bring their water bottle as usual.

If you want to send a donation of money towards this feast you are welcome but we cannot receive food for the children. There will be a box at the door nearer the time for your coins…. There will be a vegetarian option, with chips.

If anyone has any concerns about the chips, fishfingers and ice cream please let me know by Thursday 11th July.


Children who normally stay for the afternoon, will stay with us until 3.15pm as normal.

Thursday 18th July Leaving Ceremony

This is the last day for the Rainbows and for any Sparkles who are leaving us.

Normal start time of 9.15am and the children will play. Then we have a leaving ceremony in Church at 10.45 – This will be short and simple, as we celebrate each child’s achievements. Parents and families join us at the church side – all welcome.

After the ceremony we will have soft drinks and chat together, so we can all say goodbye. The morning will end by around 12.30 pm, there is no afternoon session.

You will be asked this week to give permissions for the following – please tell us on the door where we will have a list.

Hair braiding, hair gels, children’s tattoos, nail varnish, face paints and face stickers.

Staff will be in the building Friday 19th July cleaning all the toys and equipment and packing it away.

It would very much help us if you completed a small evaluation sheet that we will forward to you – we really value your input as it helps us to shape the preschool – work on our improvement plan and we can share your views with prospective parents.

We are very sad to be saying goodbye to Miss Nicole Wilson – she is going to take time off working to go to university for a year to train to be an Early Years Teacher – we are going to miss her so much – but are delighted that she is choosing to further her career – she will be an amazing school teacher.  You may see her around if she has time between her studies to come and do bank staff work for us… we all wish her so much love.

We will all chat again – but I would like to say a big thank you for all the support you have shown us over this academic year – we are humbled that you allow us to share your children and we love our role in helping them to learn, blossom and develop.

Little Stars is fortunate to have such lovely families in our preschool community and a wonderful team of practitioners who work so hard to provide extra activities for your children.

Thank you to those who have helped with donations of tissues, wipes, snack items and more over the year – finances are extremely tight and this has helped enormously 😊

Sponsored 10 challenge – I am so amazed we raised £765.00 !!! – we definitely have enough for the sofa and possibly for the matching chair 😊 Thank you so much for your generosity, it is such a great end to the year – which has cheered us up no end 😊

We wish you a lovely summer – don’t forget the Summer Stay and Plays, the first 5 Wednesdays in the summer 10.00 – 12.00 am – great activities for children, coffee and chat for parents – all free 😊

Term stars on Wednesday 4h September – with our new hours of 9.00 – 12.00, lunch 12.00 – 12.30, afternoons 12.30 – 3.30.

Many thanks

Sara and Kat all of the Little Stars Team

Manager & Deputy Little Stars

  Little Stars Christian Preschool 

01926 477597