Daily Routine

Daily Routine

Our Little Stars day starts with free play and registration, then a small group time or letters and sounds session and free play. We have a morning snack in small keyworker groups which is an excellent time to talk and share and socialise. Followed by  more free play and music/ring games and 1:1 time, then story time before some children leave at 12:00.

Children staying for lunch eat their own packed lunch at group tables, then play and have their story before 1:00. Children staying for the afternoon sessions have opportunity to access more activities in a smaller group in the main hall (Rainbow Room).

We have outdoor play every day

We often follow themes and topics e.g. Harvest, People who help us, Traditional Tales, Growing and Changing etc.

Some examples of regular activities are: – numbers, small world play (farms, trains, dolls house), graphics (sticking and drawing), messy play (paint, gloop, sand), Role play (home corner, shops), Story corner, Technology, Construction and much more.

We aim to have welly walks to our local shops and park to explore our local community and extend our children’s learning (this is dependent on volunteers and parents to support our high 1:2 ratios)