Key Workers
Your child’s keyworker will work closely with you and your child to make sure that your child settles quickly, feels safe, enjoys their time with us and is making good progress. They will observe and talk with your child as they play and learn, collecting photographs, observations and examples of their work. Your involvement is essential – we will keep you regularly informed of your child’s progress and ask you to provide us information about your child interests, development and experience at home. Your key worker is here to listen and help. Please share any comments or concerns
Your child’s Learning Journal.
The observations and photos from Little Stars are collated into your child’s Learning Journal – which over time celebrates their achievements and progress and helps us to plan for their interests, progress and next steps.
We would love you to contribute to the Learning Journal by bringing pictures, photographs or telling us about trips out and what they are enjoying doing at home – we can then plan activities to extend those events at Little Stars. We would like to get to know your child really well – understanding their talents and interests to better support their learning.
Assessing your child’s progress
In addition to our ongoing observations we will regularly review your child’s progress and invite you to come in and share their review. The review may show your child is progressing at a faster or slower rate in a particular area – this is a normal part of your child’s unique developmental journey. If we have concerns we will carry out further observations and discuss with you how to best support your child
We will offer appointments 3 times a year to review your child’s progress but you are always welcome to come in and look at your child’s Learning Journal and talk about their development.
Transition to school
With your permission we will share the Learning Journal and reviews with your child’s reception teacher before they leave us for school. Also if your child attends 2 settings (or has a regular childminder/nanny) we would like to share the information with that setting too and hope that they will share with us – so we can all support your child’s progress.
We invite reception teachers into Little Stars to visit the children in their setting and to talk to staff about their development to date.